Andre Maurois

How does literature explore idealism, the cherishing or pursuit of high or noble principles, purposes, or goals?

This is the question: Author André Maurois famously claimed that “’Lost Illusion’ is the undisclosed title of every novel.” How might that statement be relevant to the literary works we’ve studied this term? How does literature explore idealism, the cherishing or pursuit of high or noble principles, purposes, or goals? What does literature have to […]

Choose one or more of the quotes and in essay explain why you chose the quote or quotes that you did, and how each one illustrates your feelings about art.  

Read the quotes below. Choose one or more of the quotes that you feel most closely represent(s) your attitude, approach, evaluation, and interaction with art. In essay format, explain why you chose the quote or quotes that you did, and how each one illustrates your feelings about art. Your answer should be at least one […]

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