Amitav Ghosh

Write a 4-5-page book review on Amitav Ghosh’s account of life across the medieval Indian Ocean as reconstructed in his In an Antique Land.

Book Review Write a 4-5-page book review on Amitav Ghosh’s account of life across the medieval Indian Ocean as reconstructed in his In an Antique Land. Devote the first 3-5 paragraphs (about a page and a half to two pages) briefly presenting who the author is (look him up online—he has his own webpage with […]

Define cosmopolitanism, in your own words/ terms. Then, apply your definition of cosmopolitanism in a close reading of Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines.

Cosmopolitanism (1000 words, not including references) Define cosmopolitanism, in your own words/ terms. Then, apply your definition of cosmopolitanism in a close reading of Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines. The main question that the essay should ask and answer is: “How do you define ‘cosmopolitanism’ and apply this definition as a lens to interpret Ghosh’s […]

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