
Develop a program to accept from the user the features and give the prediction for all the classifiers including the ensemble classifier. Comment on the results.

Assignment 1- Compare all classifiers using confusion matrix, accuracy, precision, recall, ROC, AUC, Complexity. and sketch how the classifier divides the world based on the best two predictors (same ones). 2- Develop a program to accept from the user the features and give the prediction for all the classifiers including the ensemble classifier. Comment on […]

What strategy were you implementing? What type of product (speed, accuracy, service life, and price) did you design in Round 1?

Project 4 Analysis Directions: Write your answers below each question. Please do not delete the questions. What strategy were you implementing? What type of product (speed, accuracy, service life, and price) did you design in Round 1? Explain how your settings for speed, accuracy, service life, and price in Round 1 were driven by the […]

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