
Discuss why the Accreditation is important. Discuss what might be the consequences of a higher education institution if they were not accredited.

ASSIGNMENT Discuss the main FUNCTION of Accreditation in Higher Education. Discuss why the Accreditation is important. Discuss what might be the consequences of a higher education institution if they were not accredited.

Describe at least two differences between the CNEA, CCNE, and ACEN accrediting bodies focusing on process and emphasis. Debate the merit, or not, or accreditation.

Standards and Accreditation in Nursing Education Readings: Find one article related to a current issue in nursing education, future trend in nursing education, or a current (published last 2-3 years) nursing education research study. Review AACN 2021 The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education (NLN is not available for free) Preview previous 2008 […]

Select one accrediting body other than the Joint Commission and analyze the benefits of its accreditation for the organization.

Summary brief To meet your senior leaders’ request, prepare a 10- to 12-page summary brief. For academic purposes, the required format for this summary brief is current APA format, a common format for health care research and academics. Use the following headings to organize your summary brief for leadership:s) Provide a short overview of accreditation […]

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