
Outline your educational plans and career goals and discuss how your proposed plan of graduate study relates to them.

Dual Degree Master of Business Administration (MBA) – Business Administration and Master of Science – Hospitality Business Management Essay that covers the following topics: Outline your educational plans and career goals and discuss how your proposed plan of graduate study relates to them. What are the specific attributes of the program at UD that lead […]

Prepare a literature summary of scholarly articles on the topic of seasonal employees in hotels and resorts.

Seasonal employee Prepare a literature summary of scholarly articles on the topic of seasonal employees in hotels and resorts. Demographic information of a seasonal employee working in hotels/resorts/hospitality industry. Seasonality impact on the employment in hospitality.


EVALUATE THE ARGUMENT THAT IT IS IMPORTANT FOR MODERN SOCIETY TO MAINTAIN WORLD HERITAGE SITES (150 words): Give a definition of the World Heritage Site. Give the aims of your essay and explain what you will discuss. To simplify this, write about what will be included in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. (350 words): In […]

What prerequisites must data fulfill in order to be used for Machine Learning? What is currently the main use of AI in tourism?

What is the role of humans in AI? Humans need to be in the loop in semiautomatic AI processes. Humans need to control each and every step in AI processes. Humans only need to interpret the output results of AI processes. Human only need to control the data input in AI processes. What is the […]

Write a research paper on the economic impact of Geoturism in natural protected areas in Europe and Spain: Geoparks as an economic incentive in rural areas.

Title: “Economic impact of Geoturism in natural protected areas in Europe and Spain: Geoparks as an economic incentive in rural areas.” Prepare a research paper of the above title. The article has to deal with natural tourism (Geotourism) and explain how its increasing presence in the tourism sector exerts a huge economic impact on the […]

Discuss your long-term and short-term professional objectives and how your past experiences have contributed to and defined these objectives.

Masters in Tourism and hospitality management In an essay limited to 500 words, discuss your long-term and short-term professional objectives and how your past experiences have contributed to and defined these objectives. Include in your statement why you want to pursue a graduate business degree at this point in time. What are the goals for […]

Pick any type of hospitality operation to review, analyse & evaluate the profile of the hospitality industry in a chosen region

International Hospitality Operations Task You are a management consultant that is about to undertake a piece of research for the LSBU group of hospitality operators. The LSBU group is an international business with a Head Office based in London. The portfolio of strategic business units that they operate in developed countries include; 1. Budget Hotels […]

List and explain at least 3 restaurants that may have made the shift since the pandemic or those who have resorted to opening a ghost/cloud kitchen.

Ghost Kitchen List at least 3 restaurants that may have made the shift since the pandemic or those who have resorted to opening a ghost/cloud kitchen instead of their original brick and mortar or food truck plan. Explain all of these restaurants’ changes in detail.

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