Applied Criminology Assessment 1: Defining the Problem is an individual project. Each member of your team will complete it individually. This trimester we have given you a very broad theme— Reducing Crime in Culturally and Ethnically Diverse Communities in Australia. However, this is such a broad theme, you will need to narrow your focus. Before […]
Select two readings from this course and put them in conversation with one another and explain how do the analyses, concepts, propositions, set forth in each complement, support, or contradict one another?
Prompt: Select two readings from this course and put them in conversation with one another. How do the analyses, concepts, propositions, set forth in each complement, support, or contradict one another? Requirements 1500 – 1750 words Must use the sources provided
Describe why sex/uality is political? What does it have to do with Disability Studies? Disability rights?
1. Malinowska, A. (2018). Lost in representation: Disabled sex and the aesthetics of the ‘norm’. Sexualities, 21(3), 364–378. 2. Santinele Martino, A. (2017). Cripping sexualities: An analytic review of theoretical and empirical writing on the intersection of disabilities and sexualities. Sociology Compass, 11(5), 1–15 3. Slater, J., & Liddiard, K. (2018). Why disability studies scholars […]
Compose a brief paragraph explaining which of Obhi’s insights in this chapter made the biggest impression on you?
Practice: Brief Notes on Obhi Read the Obhi reading. Compose a brief paragraph answering this question: Which of Obhi’s insights in this chapter made the biggest impression on you? Are any tips most practically relevant for you at this stage of your research project? As always, consider summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting. Full citations are not […]
Identify whether this would involve quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods research. Is there a particular place or other unique aspect which is important to note about your study?
Racial Profiling Use the four combinations of worldviews, designs, and research methods in selected research topic that brings together worldview, designs, and methods. Identify whether this would involve quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods research. Using the research project you have described above, state the essence of this study in one sentence and then write your research […]
Discuss the historical aspects of this topic based on professional journals. How did it evolve and how was it perceived in society through time?
Urban Sociology Include at least 3 professional journal articles in your research paper. Topics (PICK ONE): 1. Urban housing/housing policies 2. Urban planning and change 3. Urban history 4. Economic globalization and inequality 5. Local welfare services 6. Vulnerable and marginalized groups in urban areas 7. Public space 8. Gentrification, socio-spatial segregation, and displacement 9. […]
Write a critical analysis on the relationship of livestock farming to crime, harm and the state.
A critical analysis of the relationship of livestock farming to crime, harm and the state Your essay should be a coherent whole, develop a logical argument and be fully and correctly referenced. In addition, it should: Critically analyse your chosen topic, including by drawing on one or more of the module themes of power, discourse […]
What is the impact of adopting the white supremacy flower model on student’s comprehension of races and racial discrimination?
Social Inquiry Research Question. What is the impact of adopting the white supremacy flower model on student’s comprehension of races and racial discrimination? The research question intends to find the benefits of using the white supremacy flower model during learning on race. The question will also look at the impact of the model on understanding […]
What ideology did President Donald Trump have in regard to ACA? Why is the ACA so controversial?
You must have at least two citations and references (one listed under Resources from the Resource page in your syllabus and one academic reference). These should be APA-formatted. Each web assignment should be about two pages long. Ideology powerfully shapes policy proposal. What ideology did President Barack Obama have that led to him to pursue […]
Briefly describe what life course perspectives are and show how they can be applied to help social workers understand how service users are affected by health inequalities.
Well-being in Social Work Part 1 of the assignment covers three areas: Social inequalities in health Life course theory Well-being Social inequalities in health – LO 2 (450 words) Analyse the impact of social inequalities and injustice on health and well-being. Briefly describe what is meant by social inequalities in health and illustrate this […]