
Discuss Biblical theme of justice.

BIBLICAL THEME OF JUSTICE Bible is a universal correction of books compiled together by different authors from diversified backgrounds and in different regions of the world. However, this diversification of writers and period of writing is united by the fact that God inspired these authors and they therefore wrote as God himself directed them. Bible […]

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each of the types of children’s ministry present in your local church.

Students will be required to submit a research paper (5-7 pages)analyzing the model of Children’s Ministry in his/her local church. Students must meet the following requirements: 1.Make the case for the need of an effective children’s ministry in your local church. How does the Bible support the facilitation of an active and productive children’s ministry […]

What challenges can your partner identify that their religious tradition faces in the modern world in respect to questions of justice and social justice?

What challenges can your partner identify that their religious tradition faces in the modern world in respect to questions of justice and social justice? Do they feel that their tradition is responding positively? Explain. Examine if the tradition is focused on belief (orthodoxy) or behavior (orthopraxis). Compare your partner’s beliefs and practices to your own […]

Explain the Characteristics of an Educated Person.

The Characteristics of an Educated Person Aristotle believed that education is a forum meant to prepare individuals for active roles and excellence in the future. This excellence involves the need and desire to want to transform the society through acquiring new knowledge and suing it to do things differently. John W. Gardner believes that an […]

List and describe two or three structural features that are evident in Matthew’s Gospel.

Select ONE of the articles below from IVP’s Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels: • Matthew • Old Testament in the Gospels • Midrash • Discipleship • Table Fellowship • Sermon on the Mount/Plain And select ONE of the prompt questions below: • List and describe two or three structural features that are evident in […]

Write a brief, two page paper covering the major aspects of theology proper.

Read Chapter 14 (Grudem ), Michael Horton chapter 6 and chapter 7 and : Write a brief, two page paper covering the major aspects of theology proper (trinity, God’s attributes, worship, etc). This is a statement of your own personal convictions, but should be supported by biblical references. avoid long quotes — either from the […]

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