Business formations After reading the chapters and viewing the videos, comment on the advantages and disadvantages of the various business formations. What would you recommend to an entrepreneur just starting out? Attached are the slides for the chapters. Videos:
Write an essay that briefly explains the real property principle of Eminent Domain and summarizes the case Kelo v. The City of New London and its implications for business.
Assignment Read the following: The United States Department of Justice. (2015). History of the federal use of eminent domain. Retrieved from Poppel, S. D. (2006, May). Pennsylvania limits exercise of eminent domain in the wake of Kelo v. City of New London. Retrieved from Then write an essay that briefly explains the real […]
Prepare a document that lists the citations and penalties you wish to discuss with the area director.
Citation and Notification of Penalty For this assignment, begin by reading the Citation and Notification of Penalty . Next, assume you are the safety director for Acme Widget Factory. Your company recently had an OSHA inspection and received the Notice of Citations and Penalties in the mail. You managed to schedule an informal conference with […]
Create a 5-7 minute video speech presentation related to the topic of cyberbullying. Explain at least one of the basic legal rights of individuals who are impacted by cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying presentation For this week’s interactive assignment, create a 5-7 minute video speech presentation related to the topic of cyberbullying. For your video presentation, prepare talking points that respond to each of the following topics. Explain at least one of the basic legal rights of individuals who are impacted by cyberbullying. Discuss one technique individuals, […]
What are your impressions, after going through the materials, of the ability of government to make laws affecting commerce and business?
The Commerce Clause Look up information on The Commerce Clause and watch the video: Then read sections I–V and XVII–XIX in the article: Sullivan, J. V. (2007, July 24). How our laws are made. Retrieved from What are your impressions, after going through the materials, of the ability of government to make laws […]
Write an essay defining and explaining the interaction among Statutory, Administrative, and Case Laws.
Assignment Write an essay defining and explaining the interaction among Statutory, Administrative, and Case Laws.
Would it make a difference if the restaurant owner claimed segregation of the races was required by his religion?
Free Exercise of Religion Clause QUESTION FOR THIS FORUM DISCUSSION: When does the First Amendment’s Free Exercise of Religion Clause justify a discriminatory business practice? Writer – In forming your discussion, READ and COMPARE: 275 Words Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 138 S.Ct. 1718 (2018). Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. (a small bakery, whose […]
Critically evaluate the UK’s approach to balancing the rights of individuals and the freedom of the media to report news with regard to relevant privacy case law.
Media and Entertainment Law Question 1 For this year’s Actors’ Guild Awards Ceremony, the famous actor Gerald O’Mahoney has declined to attend as he is currently in what he describes as ‘yet another rehab trip’ to hospital in London. He is, however, a keen blogger with hundreds of thousands of followers who like to hear […]
Critically assess whether the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and its associated Protocol is an adequate regime for protecting the human rights of women.
International Human Rights Assessment Write an answer to ONE of the three assessment questions. The word limit for this is 4000 words and your mark will comprise 100% of the grade for the module. Select ONE of the following three assessment questions: Question 1 The terms “aspirational rights” and “progressive realisation” mean that some States […]
Critically discuss ‘General principles of EU Law have been one of the most important instruments in the development of EU law. On the other hand, general principles have also been one of the most controversial issues of EU law.’
European Union Law ‘General principles of EU Law have been one of the most important instruments in the development of EU law. On the other hand, general principles have also been one of the most controversial issues of EU law.’ Critically discuss.