
Choose at least one quotation from Dennis Covington’s Salvation on Sand Mountain: Snake Handling and Redemption in Southern Appalachia. Reflect upon your selected quotation for at least 10+ complete sentences.

Feedback from Salvation on Sand Mountain Choose at least one quotation from Dennis Covington’s Salvation on Sand Mountain: Snake Handling and Redemption in Southern Appalachia. Reflect upon your selected quotation for at least 10+ complete sentences. Go far beyond mere summary of the ideas in the quotation, but also respond to these ideas. Post responses […]

Write your reflection paper on how you have developed as a writer through this course.

Reflection Paper Write your reflection paper on how you have developed as a writer through this course. Your Reflection should look back over what you've learned and how you've developed as a writer throughout the course. That is your required topic. You could write about what you liked and didn't like about the course, what […]

Read “Mending Wall” by Robert Frost, “The Lamb” by William Blake” or “Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley and annotate the one you choose.

ESSAY POEM ASSIGNMENT You are going to do option #1 and this essay about poem of explication. Throughout our unit on poetry, we have looked at how poetic devices are used strategically in order to promote the overall theme(s) of the poems (explication). Your Task: Read “Mending Wall” by Robert Frost, “The Lamb” by William […]

Does the criminal justice system represent an effective deterrent against crime? Are punishment mechanisms determined based on partisanship rather than interest in maintaining public order?

2 Discussion post Find a public setting where you can practice your hand at field observation to answer a question that you find interesting. For example, it could be studying who does and does not properly return shopping carts at a grocery store. Or, are men or women more likely to hold a door open […]

Identify one of these particular subjects and provide an explanation of why you selected it as your area of focus. Provide an analysis of the quality and trustworthiness of the source.

GPS Mapping Mission Description This mission requires you to map the NJIT database using the search tool provided on the library main page. Review this video, that describes our research into the GPS model and how it can be used to assist content analysis and organization. Links to an external site.https://njit.webex.com/recordingservice/sites/njit/recording/cb3aef073385103ba7be005056818805/playback Read the directions below. […]

Write an essay where you argue that social media and YouTube can be beneficial. Use one quote from each of the sources in the “List of Sources” (below) to support the points you make in your argument.

Argument: Social Media and YouTube Can Be Beneficial Write an essay where you argue that social media and YouTube can be beneficial. Use a template from “Chapter 4: ‘Yes/No/Okay, But’: Three Ways to Respond” in They Say/I Say to construct your argument statement Use one quote from each of the sources in the “List of […]

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