
Using Heacox’s eight steps (pages 9-11) as a guide, create an in-depth unit that includes intentional differentiation for four specific learners.

Differentiated Unit Plan The purpose of this assignment is to design a differentiated unit with a minimum of five (5) lessons. Assignment Expectations: Using Heacox’s eight steps (pages 9-11) as a guide, create an in-depth unit that includes intentional differentiation for four specific learners. Align instruction and unit to Academic Standards Rewrite your standards as […]

Research the theorists listed and complete the table by providing each theorist’s ideas regarding the areas of human development listed in the table.

Theorist Comparison Educators have different sets of beliefs about how children grow and develop, and there are several theories about how children develop and learn. For example, one theory holds that children simply mature as they grow older. Another theory is that the environment shapes what children become. In some theories, genetics and environment are […]

Write a coursework, coordinate a Spring Clean Scotland Event in Tamfourhill. Which will raise awareness of Climate Change and the Community Climate Action Plan.

Placement Work plan Compile and collate a Community Profile of Tamfourhill and Camelon Negotiate a specific area of work which increases the capacity of Tamfourhill Community Hub or TTRO Organise and coordinate a Spring Clean Scotland Event in Tamfourhill. Which will raise awareness of Climate Change and the Community Climate Action Plan (Capstone Project)   […]

Prepare a research paper on Gamification and Immersive Competitive Learning for Higher Education Applications explaining Social Learning Theory Approach for Hong Kong Students.

Gamification and Immersive Competitive Learning for Higher Education Applications Prepare a research paper on Gamification and Immersive Competitive Learning for Higher Education Applications explaining Social Learning Theory Approach for Hong Kong Students.  

How can you use the creative arts to teach children mathematical concepts? What drama activities would you choose to help children build their mathematical skills?

Chapter 9: Mathematics and the creative art Ensure that your submission is at least 2 pages long and provides a clear indication that the entire chapter was read. Choose from below for the chapter questions: How do infants and toddlers acquire mathematical knowledge? What types of activities are most suitable for them to acquire mathematical […]

Write a one-paragraph reflection about how and to what degree you have attained the ILOs , and how your achievement will help you in your future teaching. 

Educational reflection Write a one-paragraph reflection about how and to what degree you have attained the ILOs , and how your achievement will help you in your future teaching. Then write a concluding paragraph indicating, with reasons, what you found to be the most worthwhile aspect of this course in terms of its ILOs (four paragraphs; 20 marks)   […]

Write an essay on the Principals’ perception of their preparedness to be instructional leaders at Title I schools.

Principals’ perception of their preparedness to be instructional leaders at Title I schools Headings and topics include: The Principal’s Role -historical functions – functions today -types of different leadership styles Instructional Leadership -What is it? Functions and responsibilities -General impact on student learning Title I Schools -Define and differentiate from other schools -how does this […]

Conduct a literature review into the issues faced by the GTRSB community in accessing higher education, particularly within a Scottish context.

Essay: Individual Reflection on Experienc An individual reflection on the students’ experience on the Social Responsibility pathway. Task 1 – Conduct a literature review into the issues faced by the GTRSB (Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater) community in accessing higher education, particularly within a Scottish context. Task 2 – Flesh out the previous report […]

Prepare a presentation to be delivered during this event be clear what you want to cover during this first opportunity to address the students and parents.

Back to School Question1.Mr. Barber is scheduled to host a back to school event in which he will be addressingstudents and parents for the first time. Prepare a presentation to be delivered during this event. Be intentional in what you want to cover during this first opportunity to address the students and parents. During this […]

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