Criminal Justice

Compose a paper discussing key components of planning mistakes or lack of planning from an incident choose another emergency/disaster where poor planning caused an issue.

Planning Mistakes or Lack of Planning Compose a paper discussing key components of planning mistakes or lack of planning from an incident choose another emergency/disaster where poor planning caused an issue. Discuss what issues were caused and how planning prior to and/or during the incident may have resulted in a better outcome. The paper should […]

Complete the matrix below regarding the evaluation of assets in your environment. Include all “types” of assets, e.g., “things” as well as information assets, “people” assets, and moving assets.

John F. Kennedy AIRPORT Part I: Brainstorming list of Assets For the first part of this assignment, brainstorm to determine all of the assets in the chosen environment. Be sure to include all “types’ of assets, e.g., “things” as well as information assets, “people” assets, and moving assets. That list will be used to help […]

Are there any sexual behaviors that are now considered “deviant” that may become accepted sexual practices in the future?

Essay Assignment Throughout history there have been constant changes of what is considered to be sexually deviant behavior. Are there any sexual behaviors that are now considered “deviant” that may become accepted sexual practices in the future? Give examples and explanations as to why you think these practices will be considered mainstream in the future.

Compare Hollywood’s images to news images to research findings of justice official behavior. What are these images? How do they compare?

Hollywood and Police Justice Paper: This paper must examine Hollywood’s images of police, prosecutors, public defense attorneys, or corrections officials. Select a movie. Compare Hollywood’s images to news images to research findings of justice official behavior. What are these images? How do they compare? How do these media images affect justice effectiveness? How can we […]

Examine the Innocence Project and its role in our Justice System. Is their role necessary or not?

CCJ4662 Discussion Questions Examine the Innocence Project and its role in our Justice System. Is their role necessary or not? Defend your research (3 resources) The paper must be between 500 – 750 words. You cannot use a paper that has been previously submitted. Please reference the academic honesty policy for details.

Write a 1,000–1,200-word essay on the process of how evidence is collected and stored. Discuss why collecting and preserving evidence is important.

Evidence Collection Write a 1,000–1,200-word essay on the process of how evidence is collected and stored. As law enforcement presents its evidence to the state, justify some of the public's hesitation with evidence collected and stored. Provide 2 outside references to validate your claims. Visit the university library and research evidence collection. Discuss why collecting […]

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