Criminal Justice

Choose a specific type of crime (such as identity theft, domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, etc.). Then investigate who are the victims of this crime?

Research Paper: Crime For this paper, you will choose a specific type of crime (such as identity theft, domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, etc.). Then investigate (a) who are the victims of this crime, (b) how prevalent is this crime, (c) what are the causes of this crime, (d) in what ways do victims contribute […]

Define child neglect in your own words and briefly explain one of the following two treatments for child victims of abuse and neglect.

ASSIGNMENT Define child neglect in your own words and briefly explain one of the following two treatments for child victims of abuse and neglect: A) Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy or B) Attachment trauma therapy.

Search and read an article on welfare or crime policies that negatively or positively affects immigrants. Then write an essay on the effects of welfare and crime policies on immigrants in the US.

Effects of welfare and crime policies on immigrants Write an essay on the effects of welfare and crime policies on immigrants in the US. Search and read an article on welfare or crime policies that negatively or positively affects immigrants. At least 5 scholarly articles.

Are school shootings becoming more common or does it just appear that way and, if so, why? Do school shooters fit a specific profile?

School Shootings Are school shootings becoming more common or does it just appear that way and, if so, why? Do school shooters fit a specific profile? What, if anything, can schools do to prevent school shootings? Are guns the only threat to school safety? Be sure to use research in your answer and cite at […]

Explain. With all the agitation of extremists since 1945, why is there no extremist “political” party yet, such as far-right political parties found in some European nations?

ASSIGNMENT Answer both questions, each question need to a page long. 2 references per question. With all the agitation of extremists since 1945, why is there no extremist “political” party yet, such as far-right political parties found in some European nations? What are the two common themes found in almost all militia movements which serves as […]

Read ASIS CRISP Report Mass homicides by employees in the American workplace. Do the authors’ assertions in the study have both logical and empirical support?

Essay Assignment Write two essays, each four pages long. The first four pages follow these instructions: Read The Philadelphia Foot Patrol Experiment: A randomized controlled trial of police patrol effectiveness in violent crime hotspots found at content/uploads/2021/04/blue-raven-intelligence-foot-patrol.pdf. Assignment: Write a minimum of four (4) pages (double-spaced and typed) by answering the Following questions: a. […]

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