After completing the online tutorial Inside the Teenage Brain, list two facts that you learned.

Inside the Teenager Brain

After completing the online tutorial Inside the Teenage Brain at by clicking on “View the Full Program online”.

The page that will appear show one long video of six sections. The new section is indicated by a white dot.

You will see the white dots once you press play.
1) Teenagers’ inexplicable behavior
2) The Wiring of the Brain
3) Mood Swings
4) You Just Don’t Understand
5) From Zzzzz’s to A’s
6) Are There Lessons for Parents?

For each of these six sections, list two facts that you learned. The format for your paper should be as follows: list the title of each section and then your facts. Submit your paper on the Module 2 Assignment link.

Only source that should be cited is the video.10 points

Link to video: teenage-brain/?

After completing the online tutorial Inside the Teenage Brain, list two facts that you learned.
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