Using Hymer’s strategies to embody capitalism, discuss what is happening in the system of objects, the narrator/author, accumulations, and structures of feeling in Shelton’s and Stewart’s portrayals of the contemporary.

Essay Question:

Using Hymer’s strategies to embody capitalism (since neither Shelton or Stewart give the exact coordinates), discuss what is happening in the system of objects, the narrator/author, accumulations, and structures of feeling in Shelton’s and Stewart’s portrayals of the contemporary.


“Dark waters, Dark waters” by Allen Shelton

“ structures of feeling” by Raymond Willams

“ Robinson Crusoe and the secret of primitive accumulation” by Stephen Hymer

“Ordinary Affects” by Kathleen Stewart

Using Hymer’s strategies to embody capitalism, discuss what is happening in the system of objects, the narrator/author, accumulations, and structures of feeling in Shelton’s and Stewart’s portrayals of the contemporary.
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