Reflection Paper – Ana ( Union)
Prepare a reflection paper discussing on Ana(Union).
United Airlines
⁃ Ana-Alicia Cruze
UOG graduate
Bachelor’s and masters
2010 & 2016 in Human Resources
⁃ Human Resource Coordinator
⁃ Filing
⁃ Data entry
United Airlines
⁃ About 1,000 employees for our region not including Asia pacific
⁃ Guam chapter member
⁃ SHRM certified
⁃ united is 80% unionized
⁃ Management and administration are not unionized
⁃ They pay to be in the union
Before working at united
⁃ guam regional medical city
⁃ Part of the first HR team
⁃ New transfer nurse
⁃ Wanted to talk to her about signing up to a union for nurses
Employees want to feel like they are being heard
⁃ Being fair and consistent as an employer
⁃ having a sincere open door policy
Being competitive in the market when hiring
developing trust – hard to keep employee when losing trust with them or them to employer(s)
⁃ being transparent
What to do to prevent unions or if unions already started
⁃ Collective bargaining
⁃ Union for pilots
⁃ Union for flight attendants
⁃ Union for airport operations
⁃ Union for mechanics
⁃ Union for ground work mechanics
⁃ every department has their own contract (6 individual contracts)
⁃ Chairperson per department
⁃ Guam has the same unions as the main lands
Contract negotiations
⁃ start and a finish
⁃ 3 years
⁃ labor’s relations team
⁃ Handles the contract negotiations with the big big union
⁃ Meet on a monthly basis
⁃ HR with the department leaders
⁃ contract violations
⁃ Schedules
⁃ Bid for schedule
⁃ Overtime bypass
⁃ Slight difference in contract
⁃ Front line
⁃ Opportunity to bid lead positions
⁃ Bid is by seniority
⁃ During furlough process
⁃ When you need a need for a ramp
⁃ What happens after is recall
⁃ Customer services doesn’t have equal benefits as those that are ramp
Most common
⁃ deals with labor unions
⁃ International scale
One of the HR international meeting
⁃ what can we do as HR to help build philosophy
⁃ Keeping composure
⁃ being very responsive
When hearing about a union about to start
⁃ start looking for resources to stop or slow the process down
Reasons for working for united
⁃ in HR you don’t get to work with unions
⁃ Aside from flight benefits
⁃ When working in mainlands, you will have a higher chance to work with unions
continental Guam has been unionized in 1980’s
Delta has not been unionized
⁃ one of the work groups have been unionized
⁃ Pilots
unions can be voluntary by employers
⁃ challenge
⁃ The union
⁃ Employees sometimes just goes to them
⁃ Past travel
⁃ Don’t need to go to unions for negotiations for it
⁃ Emergency travel
⁃ A life or death situations for emergency
⁃ Employees relies on unions a lot to apply pressure
Flight attendants
⁃ part of the unions
Allow employees to be exempted from unions
⁃ not sure if that applies to people working in airport
6 months new hires can’t be part of the union
Unions dues
⁃ can be flat rate
⁃ United is $30 per month
⁃ Rates goes to unions
⁃ Goes to insurance – union leaders and other branches or departments
United has their own clinics
⁃ has a department that are in charge of them
Don’t need authorization card
⁃ not required anymore due to being unionized
Became trading to be unionized
⁃ due to unions existing since 1980’s
⁃ Continental Micronesia
How long does it take for negotiations
⁃ for the union itself
⁃ Start doing collective bargaining
⁃ Can take up to a year
⁃ All in good faith