Evaluation goes beyond collecting data for teaching accountability and curriculum improvement, but should also include self-reflection so that the college instructor is consistently moving forward toward providing students with a relevant and lively college experience, focusing on enduring understandings that their students can use in life as well as in their careers. This assignment will help you learn this concept.
Topic 7: Teaching and Course Evaluation
For this assignment, use the Topic 3 Case Study to complete the following: Create a student course experience questionnaire Professor Provoker can use to evaluate her course curriculum and teaching performance.
The questionnaire should be a Likert type of scale and short answer essay questions that students will complete anonymously. Using the assigned textbook readings to assist you, in the space provided below, provide the following in the Likert scale questionnaire:
● Explain the purpose of the questionnaire.
● 10 prompts about the course that will provide enough information for Professor Provoker to know if her curriculum, assessments, teaching methods, and classroom environment benefitted her students.
● Two short-answer essay questions asking students to reflect on their learning experience.