Create a video journal (about 4 -7 minutes long) that highlights 3 living African American artists. Why do you like them and their work?

Video Journal (Humanities)

Create a video journal (about 4 -7 minutes long) that highlights 3 living African American artists. Why do you like them and their work? Why is it important?

While you are exploring their work – think out loud (in the video) – question the position of something in a painting; wonder about what their inspiration is/was. Make sure to comment on your observations.

Video journal of emerging artists: After you have watched the video of Titus Kaphar and read the Google art spotlight, create a video journal of three artists that are currently living and creating work that you admire.

Titus Kaphar – Ted Talk

Create a video journal (about 4 -7 minutes long) that highlights 3 living African American artists. Why do you like them and their work?
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