Identify the activity you engaged in and provide scholarly rationale for its selection. Consider your response to the activity and its impact.

Participation: Critical Self-Reflection

Part 1: (value 10% – max 500 words)
Consider how you contributed to the Teaching-Learning Principles and Strategies identified on pp. 4-5 of this syllabus.

The critical self-reflection will include:
Demonstrated grasp of the required readings, which is reflected in engagement in class critical discussions

Analytical and thoughtful approaches to the topics/issues in question

Clarity and originality of thoughts and opinions expressed during class discussions and presentations
Supporting examples/evidence of your engagement in particular class activities

Part 2: (value 5% – max 250 words)
Research shows that engaging in creative embodied activities tends to mitigate our sense of anxiety and stress, while helping to sharpen our cognitive focus on the subject matter at hand, such as lecture or discussion. Research also shows that engaging in appreciative awareness enhances our sense of wellbeing.

Throughout the term select a creative activity that you can engage in during lectures (e.g., drawing, colouring mandalas, doodling, other) … OR… Keep a daily/weekly gratitude journal.

Identify the activity you engaged in and provide scholarly rationale for its selection. Consider your response to the activity and its impact, considering its purpose in your engagement in the course.

For Parts 1 & 2: Appropriately substantiate ideas, facts, and observations by scholarly literature.

Consider how you contributed to the Teaching-Learning Principles and Strategies identified on pp. 4-5 of this syllabus.

Identify the activity you engaged in and provide scholarly rationale for its selection. Consider your response to the activity and its impact.
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