To what extent should development be securitized?

To what extent should development be securitized?

Attached you will find the essay proposal with some feedback. In addition, please consider this alternative feedback:

First, make sure you start the essay with a clear argument statement: e.g. ‘This essay will argue… it does so by Z, Y, Z.’. From there, go on to discuss the different theoretical perspectives and positions in the literature on whether development should be securitized.

Make sure you evaluate these while you do so, and then deploy these concepts to help organise and make sense of your subsequent analysis. The various intersections between development and security that you identify are all good, but we need a clearer sense of how they link together and fit into (and develop) your overall argument.

Finally, throughout, make sure you are explaining why you are making the points you are. Don’t just present and describe: be active, specific and evaluative.

Please use the sources indicated there, and many more as you can.

To what extent should development be securitized?
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