Written Communication LEAP Rubric
Read the 3 anonymous student essays (Student Essay #1, #2 and #3). Clearly, they are on different stories, which is not relevant. Your task is to apply the Written Communication LEAP Rubric to your writing
Next, write TWO paragraphs for EACH student essay
Respond to the following: For each essay, how would you assess the student’s writing ability ( 1 to 4…Benchmark to Capstone)? What criteria lead you to your assessment?
Which level is the essay (e.g. 1-Benchmark to 4-Capstone) and why?
What were the areas where the student writer is strong and/or weak? Make sure to be specific here…take examples from the essays to illustrate your point.
Apply the Written Communication LEAP Rubric to your writing, write two paragraphs for each student essay then explain how would you assess the student’s writing ability?