Develop a search strategy, write a paragraph to summarize the search strategy. Then fill out the PRISMA diagram to document the process and outcome of your literature search.

Assignment 3

1. For your group research project, document the search strategy you have developed and used to find literature for your nursing research question (10 points)

Note. The articles should be primary research articles (quantitative and qualitative articles are both needed). Reviews of any kind (systematic reviews, meta-analysis, literature reviews, state of the science, dissertations, or letters to the editor, etc.) will not be accepted for this assignment.

The following key information should be included:
The databases searched (PubMed, CINAHL, Medline, etc.). At least 2 databases are required.
Keywords/phrases (different combinations should be reported on separate rows)
Limiters used (for this class, all articles have to be published within the past 10 years, full-text available, and in English)
⦁ # of articles yielded

(e.g., Medline, CINAHL, etc.) Search Terms/Keywords/Phrases
(e.g., sucrose AND pain AND pediatric) Limiters
(e.g., publication year, English, infants, etc.) Number of articles yielded

2. Write a paragraph to summarize the search strategy (5 points)

3. Fill out the PRISMA diagram to document the process and outcome of your literature search (10 points)
Figure 1. PRISMA 2009 Flow Diagram

4. Write a paragraph to summarize the selection and screening process (5 points)

5. Based on your search results, provide APA references of 15 to 20 research articles (see requirements on page 1) that are most relevant to your research question. (5 points)

Develop a search strategy, write a paragraph to summarize the search strategy. Then fill out the PRISMA diagram to document the process and outcome of your literature search.
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