Identify IT requirements and plan the procurement, deployment, maintenance and support of the required IT in accordance with professional codes, of conduct, relevant legislation and security issues.

Unit Title: Technology Management
Assignment Title: Assignment 1, Project requirements, planning and execution
Submission Instructions: Via link on Moodle
Feedback Return Information: Provided on receipt of email request
Assignment Task (100%)

Individually identify IT requirements and plan the procurement, deployment, maintenance and support of the required IT in accordance with professional codes, of conduct, relevant legislation and security issues.

Each student is required to manage a small project requiring the acquisition of a piece of functional software. The software must perform a specific function, such as office automation or specialist function usable in an organisational context. The requirements for the software must be submitted to unit tutors, in tutorial sessions, using a Requirements Sign Off form (RSO).

You will produce a report of no more than 3000 words (+/- 10%), plus appendices, that identifies IT requirements, and contains a plan for the procurement, deployment, maintenance and support of the required IT.

Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed:
LO1: Identify IT requirements and plan the procurement, deployment, maintenance and support of the required IT in accordance with professional codes, of conduct, relevant legislation and security issues.
LO2: Project manage a simple software development project involving a small team.

Identify IT requirements and plan the procurement, deployment, maintenance and support of the required IT in accordance with professional codes, of conduct, relevant legislation and security issues.
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