With reference to appropriate models, theories, frameworks and academic literature, you are required to respond to the following in the form of a discursive essay:–
Box A provides a choice of questions and requires you to select and answer one of these in the form of a case study, i.e. you should set your response within the context of an MNE, you should introduce and justify the choice of this organization before analyzing, evaluating and concluding or making recommendations supported with both personal
research of the MNE and the literature. 3500 words
Box A
1. Are we witnessing a developing trend towards the convergence of human resource management globally within your multinational organisation?
2. How can the consistency of international compensation across international locations be achieved within your multinational organisation when local environments differ?
3. With a particular emphasis on recruitment and selection, what recommendations would you make to your multinational organisation in relation to the phenomena of expatriate failure?