Based on your home address (101 Girard Pl Newark, NJ 07108), identify your state and federal Representatives and Senators.


Part Two: Find your State and Federal Representatives & Senators: 1 page (Module 4)

Based on your home address (101 Girard Pl Newark, NJ 07108), identify your state and federal Representatives and Senators.
Look up their background information to get a sense of their position on different issues, including whether they have indicated support for your pending bill, or similar bills. Include contact information (i.e., where would you send the brief?)

You are expected to create a policy brief and distribute it to policy makers. This brief must be on some aspect of a currently pending federal or state bill or policy reauthorization on topics covered in this course.

You will be asking your legislator to do something specific, such as to support the bill, note against the bill, add something that is missing in the bill, etc.

Based on your home address (101 Girard Pl Newark, NJ 07108), identify your state and federal Representatives and Senators.
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