Prepare a model description along with complete architecture diagram and highlight the detailed design showing the system design with components/modules/parts/layers etc of your project.


Read through the pdf attached and provide the points below accordingly:

1. Implementation

2. Pre-processing involved: Steps involved in preprocessing.

3. Models used: Description of the models used. Justify your choice of model. Highlight how class imbalance was dealt with?

4. Model Architecture: Model description along with complete architecture diagram. Highlight the detailed design showing the system design with components/modules/parts/layers etc of your project.

5. Screenshot and Demo along with Visualization (For results): Each model result and necessary coding part should be substantiated with a related screenshot.

6. Comparison, Results, and discussion along with Visualization
Results of each model must be given separately, and a comparison of the models in terms of performance must be carried out.

Results given should be as detailed as possible along with suitable visualization and sufficient discussion is included in the report.

Prepare a model description along with complete architecture diagram and highlight the detailed design showing the system design with components/modules/parts/layers etc of your project.
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