Identify the leadership competencies most needed for a successful leader in that position.

BGMT 365 – Group Deliverable #2 – Succession Planning Table – Part One

Directions: For each of the five open positions at Life Science Nutraceuticals, Inc. (LSN)., identify the leadership competencies most needed for a successful leader in that position.  Under “source” identify the source (from course materials) that you will use for support of this competency.  Sources may be from Weeks One, Two and Three.  One example is provided for you.

Position Leadership Competencies Source

Sales Director, Middle East (Saudi Arabia)

Global/Cultural Intelligence

Canwell, Stockton, Dongrie, & Neveras, 2014, p. 12

Valuing diversity and difference

McCauley, C (2006).

Cultural Interest and sensitivity

McCall, M., & Hollenbeck, G. (2002).

Stable personal life

McCall, M., & Hollenbeck, G. (2002).

Building and maintaining relationships

McCauley, C (2006).






Identify the leadership competencies most needed for a successful leader in that position.
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