Assessment briefing for CW element
Critique of literature
For the purpose of this assignment you are required to produce two critical appraisals of literature (50 marks for each critical analysis); one for a quantitative research paper and the other for a qualitative research paper (recommended word count 1250 each).
The information below is provided for guidance. This assignment will be submitted through Turnitin to allow originality reports to be generated.
Throughout the module you will have developed your critical appraisal skills. The aim of this assignment is for you to apply these independently to different research papers.
Articles will be selected by profession specific facilitators to reflect current research relevant to the profession.
Both critical appraisals must contain referenced material (relevant literature) to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the entire research process; and not simply describe how the studies were conducted or what the results were. Many books on research methodology (including those on the reading list) include a section on the critical appraisal of published research. So, for example a poor or non-existent introduction or conclusion will result in an automatic deduction of 5%.
Quantitative paper
Introduction (5 marks)
Within this section you are required to very briefly introduce the paper. You should indicate which critical appraisal tool you intend to use to guide the critical appraisal and provide justification for the selection of this tool.
Critical appraisal (35 marks)
This main section should include a critical appraisal of the following;
The introduction and literature review including research question, aims and hypothesis
The methods section including; research design, sampling, intervention, data collection and data analysis
The results section
The discussion and conclusions
Ethical issues
Particular attention should be given to the methods section, highlighting strengths and limitations and how they might impact on the validity of the results.
Conclusion (5 marks)
This last section should reiterate the main findings (results) of the paper in relation to the research aims/hypothesis and also the main aspects of the critical appraisal. You should also give brief consideration to the relevance and impact of the research for your profession.
Academic writing style, referencing and presentation (5 marks)
Students should demonstrate appropriate academic writing style for academic level (appropriate spelling, grammar, sentence composition, and overall assignment structure). Referencing and presentation should follow appropriate guidelines.
Qualitative paper
Introduction (5 marks)
Within this section you are required to very briefly introduce the paper. You should indicate which critical appraisal tool you intend to use to guide the critical appraisal and provide justification for the selection of this tool.
Critical appraisal (35 marks)
This main section should include a critical review of the following;
The introduction and literature review; including research question/aims
The methods section including; research design, sampling, data collection and data analysis
The results section
The discussion and conclusions
Ethical issues
Particular attention should be given to the methods section, highlighting strengths and limitations and how these may impact on the credibility of the findings.
Conclusion (5 marks)
This last section should reiterate the main findings (results) of the paper in relation to the research aims and also the main issues of the critical appraisal. You should also give brief consideration to the relevance and impact of the research for your profession.
Academic writing style, referencing and presentation (5 marks)
Students should demonstrate appropriate academic writing style for academic level (appropriate spelling, grammar, sentence composition, and overall assignment structure). Referencing and presentation should follow appropriate guidelines.