Briefly describe the class, your greatest challenges with your students including special needs and the strategies you are using to meet those challenges?


1. What is the academic relationship between this lesson with past or future lessons (Why this lesson? Why now?) (1a,1c)

2. What is the learning target (what you want the students to know and be able to do by the end of the lesson) for the lesson to be observed? (1a,1c)

3. Briefly describe the class, your greatest challenges with your students including special needs and the strategies you are using to meet those challenges? From what sources do you seek to learn about your students? (1b)

4. Describe the co-teaching model(s) that will take place, if applicable. (1b,1e)

5. What will students learn as a result of the instructional engagement? How do your selected outcomes reflect important learning and high expectations for students? (1c)

6. What options are available for students who need extra support and time to meet the instructional goals and for those who may have already mastered them? (1c)

7. What resources and/or modifications will/did you use to plan, prepare, and execute this lesson? (1d)

8. Describe how the activities in this lesson are aligned to the learning outcomes and how the learning experiences will be differentiated to meet individual needs? How do you plan to give your students varied experience and keep them engaged and motivated to learn? (1e)

9. How do you use multiple forms of assessment including checks for understanding, formative and summative to plan instruction and inform your work? What should I expect to hear your students say or do that would be evidence that they have met the learning target for the lesson? (1f)

10. How do you maintain instructional and non-instructional records? Records kept outside of Realtime should be presented to the observer during the observation or during the post-observation conference. (4b)

Briefly describe the class, your greatest challenges with your students including special needs and the strategies you are using to meet those challenges?
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