Explain the methods of data collection in research.

1. Research Title

2. Research aim (state the aim of the study / this is a restatement of the research problem. This forms the basis of the recommendations that you would make following completion of the study)

3. Background of the research and Context

a. An explanation of the general and specific academic areas in which the problem is situated and the general significance and impact of the problem on business operations in general.
b. Background of the business/organisation and how the problem manifests and why it is important to find an answer /solution to the problem
4. Research Questions / Objectives (your management problem must be converted into a research question)

5. Summary of relevant theory / literature:
A summary of theory, and key factors arising from theory, relating to the area of the research. It is important that you link different areas of literature / comment showing a consistent thread of logic connecting the different sources you use. You need to cite a minimum number of references (between ten and fifteen will be appropriate). It is prudent to link defined literature to each of your subsidiary questions and/or objectives.

6. Methodology: This section should refer to the research design and the reasons for the research. You should present a Justification of research method(s) chosen along with a summary of your data collection and data analysis techniques together with how the results will be presented. Data collection approach and techniques will be underpinned by the research question and the research philosophy.

If any Secondary data is to be collected for the study

Data Collection (search terms, inclusion criteria and data sources to search)
Population and sampling (indicate organisational sources)
Data Analysis (may be quantitative or qualitative)
Presentation of Results (may be text, images, graphs, tables, numbers etc.)
Access for data collection

If any Primary data is to be collected for the study

Data Collection (indicate sources of questionnaire or Interview questions):
Comment on why particular methods have been chosen: you are expected to use either questionnaires or interviews although you may use both
How do you propose to eliminate bias?
Is your data reproducible, reliable?
Questionnaires –
How are they to be administered?
How can you test that your results will be meaningful?
How are they to be administered?
How can you test that your results will be meaningful?
Population (indicate organisations and people): Why have particular respondents been chosen?
Sampling (Explain your sampling method)
Research Participant Protection (both organisations and people)
Data Analysis (may be quantitative or qualitative): you should detail your data analysis techniques

7. Problems and Limitations

8. References: You need to include some evidence of preliminary reading for this proposal. Cited works should be flagged and listed using the Harvard style of referencing

Secondary Research- It is expected that the Reference List will contain between 15 and 20 sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include 4 refereed academic journals and 5 academic books.

Explain the methods of data collection in research.
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