Discuss the positive and negative factors that will impact the proposed solution’s sustainability and integration (mainstreaming) into the local health economy

corruption and healthquality

Intended Module Learning Outcomes are:

Identify and provide a detailed rationale for a business proposal.
Critically examine literature on a public health/health and social care topic area using a systematic approach.
Formulate a business proposal that demonstrates a systematic approach to project planning.
Critically discuss issues concerning sustainability of a business proposal.
Critically examine personal learning through a process of reflection and reflexivity.
Critically defend a business proposal via a viva voce.

(Part A) an audio-recording of your responses to 4 viva voce questions lasting no longer than 20 minutes, allowing you to critically discuss/ justify the defined health care management issue identified within your Management Project and provide a defence of the proposed solution, demonstrating some depth of knowledge and critical evaluation of the issues and context in which the problem has arisen (audio file). The recording of your responses to the individual questions, must be continuous, without a break or editing. However you can pause the recording after you have finished each answer, before responding to the next question. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not exceed the permitted time of 20± 2 minutes, any material spoken after 22 minutes will not be marked. If evidence indicates that you have either paused the recording midway through your response to any question or edited it, your response for this question will be null and void.

(Part B) a transcript of the Audio-recording and reference list of citations referred to in the Viva Voce Responses (word document)
The four questions you will need to respond to are detailed later in this guidance, along with additional guidelines about making the audio recording.
This is NOT a PowerPoint presentation, you should not be using PowerPoint slides or other presentation media for this assessment. You will be responding to the 4 questions verbally. You may use cue cards, notes sheets or the annotated copy of your dissertation, if you wish, as an aide memoire to assist with your responses. However you should be sufficiently prepared to answer the questions without reading directly from your notes. Please remember it is not the breadth of knowledge you provide in your responses, but the depth and level of thinking demonstrated.

The recording of the introduction and your responses must last for 20 ± 2 minutes. This means that you are not allowed to edit your responses to individual questions, but are allowed to pause the recording in between responses. You are strongly advised to practice the recording of your responses so that you are satisfied with the version that you submit.

Structure of the Viva Voce Assessment
In the 20 ± 2 minutes you should structure your recording as below, ensuring that you are able to demonstrate (1) critical analysis of the health care management problem focussed on in your project, (2) justification for the proposed solution/ service improvement and (3) factors that you considered in determining the feasibility of the implementing the proposed solution. Students who are able to demonstrate criticality and appraisal of the academic literature in the assessment will gain higher marks.

Provide a brief introduction, summarising the project stating the health care management problem that your project focussed on;
providing a rationale of why it is an important healthcare management issue to address and outlining the proposed solution/ service improvement in the business proposal.

Provide your response to Question 1
Citing the literature, what are the main reasons that you focussed on the management problem identified in your project, discussing any socio-political and ethical issues you considered in reaching your decision
Specifically, discuss the socio-political and cultural factors that influenced this decision demonstrating its relationship to Global Healthcare Management?

Provide your response to Question 2
Describe two management tools you have used in helping you to analyse the nature and extent of the healthcare management problem focussed on in the project?
Provide justification by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of each, with reference to the literature?

Provide your response to Question 3
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence for the different management solutions to the healthcare management problem focussed on, justifying the preferred solution over one that you discounted.
Discuss how critical appraisal of the evidence was used in reaching your decision.

Provide your response to Question 4
In determining the feasibility for implementation of the proposed solution:
What were positive and negative factors that you considered in the project in ensuring it can be delivered on time and on budget
Discuss the positive and negative factors that will impact the proposed solution’s sustainability and integration (mainstreaming) into the local health economy

The audio-recording of your viva that you submit and the transcript of your responses will be used for marking, internal moderation and external examining purposes. All recordings and transcripts will be stored securely and only the marking team, module leader and external examiner will have access to them.

Preparing for the Viva Voce Audio Recording
Remember you are responsible for the responses given! Think about what will make you feel most comfortable during the 20 ± 2 minutes assessment. Please consider the clarity of your voice, pace of your delivery. It is not the quantity of information in your responses but the quality of that information and ability to demonstrate depth of understanding.

Think about the environment in which you will be undertaking the audio recording, ensure that it is free of distractions, background noise and interruptions whilst you are recording your responses. Any disturbances or distractions are likely to impact on the clarity of your answers and train of thought. Background noise and disturbances are likely to impact on the markers ability to hear your responses. If you have to stop, you will need to re-record your answers from the beginning.
Ensure that you have sight of a timer to ensure that the 20 minutes is used effectively. Any parts of the recording after 22 minutes will not be considered in the marking.
Ensure you have a bottle or glass of water available.
Ensure that your mobile phone is switched off or on silent/aeroplane mode
Inform others who may disturb you of the timing of the recording to minimise any disruption
Ensure any children that live with you are being looked after during the recording

Rather than reading directly from a pre-prepared script, you may want to have a series of bullet points that you speak to ensuring that all you want to cover is addressed. Reading from a script does not necessarily demonstrate the depth of understanding required and that you are the author of the work. It may be helpful in your preparation for the viva responses and the recording to produce a summary of each section of the project.

As the author of the project dissertation you have submitted, you should know your project thoroughly. In preparing your responses to the questions, you should read it through with a critical eye, recognising aspects that you have done well and others that could be improved. Highlight anything that you have written that you are not sure about, or which you feel you could have been justified more fully. In your responses, do refer directly to different aspects of your project as it is likely that the marker will have access to this whilst marking the audio recording.

Familiarise yourself with the literature that you have referred to within the project dissertation. You will be expected to accurately cite a range of literature in justifying the management issue you have identified and proposed solution.

The literature cited in your responses should be the citations provided in the Reference list that you will submit. This should adhere to the Coventry University Guide to Referencing either consistently using APA or Harvard Style. There are LibGuides available on both styles

The recording of the introduction and your responses must last for 20 ± 2 minutes and only material recorded within this time frame will be marked, therefore it is key that you practice the delivery of your responses. Should there be evidence that your recording has been edited, only the initial part of the recording, up to the first editing point will be marked.
It is recommended that you use either QuickTime Player for MacBook or Voice Recorder for Windows, allowing you to make the audio-recording of your responses to the viva questions from your laptop, uploading this as an audio or media file to the Assignment Submission Link for Part A
Guidance on how to use these has been uploaded to the Aula web page. It is recommended that you familiarise yourself with the one that you will be using, practising several times before making the single continuous audio-recording required.

Transcript of the Audio Recording Responses and Reference List of Citations
In addition to the audio recording you are required to accurately transcribe the introduction and each of your responses into a word document, along with a reference list of citations used and submit this to the Assignment Submission Link for Part B. Accurately transcribing the audio recording is important and will be used to support the marking, verifying aspects that are difficult to hear. Submission of this document through the Turnitin link will generate an originality report and similarity score, which can be used to enhance your scholarship and demonstrate this is your own work.

Viva Voce Questions
1a) Citing the literature, what are the main reasons that you focussed on the management problem identified in your project, discussing any socio-political and ethical issues you considered in reaching your decision
b) Specifically, discuss the socio-political and cultural factors that influenced this decision demonstrating its relationship to Global Healthcare Management?

2a) Describe two management tools you have used in helping you to analyse the nature and extent of the healthcare management problem focussed on in the project?
b) Provide justification by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of each, with reference to the literature?

3a) Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence for the different management solutions to the healthcare management problem focussed on, justifying the preferred solution over one that you discounted.
b) Discuss how critical appraisal of the evidence was used in reaching your decision.
In determining the feasibility for implementation of the proposed solution:
a) Discuss the positive and negative factors you considered in the project in ensuring it can be delivered on time and on budget
b) Discuss the positive and negative factors that will impact the proposed solution’s sustainability and integration (mainstreaming) into the local health economy

Discuss the positive and negative factors that will impact the proposed solution’s sustainability and integration (mainstreaming) into the local health economy
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