Develop the skill of combining theoretical and macro-level analysis with detailed empirical analysis of international business in a series of industrial sectors across selected emerging market contexts .

International Business in Emerging Markets

This module has three main aims:

1. Enable students to appreciate the wide-ranging issues associated with the development of multinational corporations (MNCs) operating in emerging
markets both from the point of view of foreign based MNCs; indigenous firms; and host country governments

2. Introduce students to core concepts, topics and methodological approaches relevant to the analysis of the operations of international business within emerging markets .

3. Develop the skill of combining theoretical and macro level analysis with detailed empirical analysis of international business in a series of industrial sectors across selected emerging market contexts .

Description of the assessment

Select an emerging market economy of your choice. For this economy comment on the following:


i. The primary sector ii. Manufacturing sector iii. Services sector iv. International Trade developments (20 Marks)

International Business in Emerging Markets
Assignment/Coursework Brief for 2021/22

Approved BBS Coursework Brief Template

Brunel Business School

B. Collect data for selected macroeconomic indicators for this economy including GDP, Balance of Payments, Imports/Exports, Inward/outward FDI, inflation, Unemployment, for the last 10 years. What can you conclude from this data in respect to its status as an Emerging Economy? (30 Marks)

C. Identify at least 5 examples of multinational corporations (MNCs) and describe their modes of entry into your selected emerging economy. Comment on the facilitating/or inhibiting role(s) of the state in their operations. (50 Marks).

Students are expected to show capacity to select, compile and categorise material from several sources into a coherent body of knowledge.

They must show an understanding of key theoretical frameworks and apply appropriate concepts to the assessment of evidence leading to the appreciation of practical policy implications of globalization from the point of view of emerging markets and MNCs. This is in accordance with the learning outcomes.

The assessment criteria are: knowledge and content, relevance and discourse, clarity and communication, organization and language, references.

Students are asked to write a 2,500 word essay on the questions listed in the coursework briefing document on Blackboard Learn.

The essay should be word processed, in 12 point font and single spaced. Cover page, table of content, diagrams, appendices and references are not included in the word count.

Your essay should not exceed the word limit. Essays that exceed the word limit by more than 1% (25 words) will be deducted 10 percentage points.

This assessment provides opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge and understanding, cognitive (thinking) skills, and other skills and attributes
in the following areas:

1. Apply key theoretical frameworks and concepts for critically analyzing international business activities.

2. Recognize and understand specific features of international business activities in emerging markets.

3. Select, compile and categorize material from a variety of information and data sources into a coherent, synthesized body of knowledge, relevant to and sufficient to a given case.

4. Apply appropriate concepts to the assessment of evidence leading to the appreciation of practical policy implications of globalization from two points of view: that of emerging market players (and host governments) and that of MNCs.

5. Identify and critically analyze the relationships between MNCs and domestic firms in emerging markets, looking at the strategies of both types of firms and how those strategies shape both collaboration and competition.

6. Communicate advanced ideas, concepts and convincing arguments in written report.

Approved BBS Coursework Brief Template
Brunel Business School

Enter here the marking scheme relevant for the coursework and provide an illustration of each assessment criterion achieved at each indicative mark
band for UG/PG levels.

UG mark bands, degree equivalent and grade point bands [
Senate Regulation 2] are:
Indicative Mark Band
Degree class equivalent Grade Grade Point
90 and above
1 A* 17
1 A+ 16
1 A 15
1 A 14
2.1 B+ 13
2.1 B 12
2.1 B 11
2.2 C+ 10
2.2 C 9
2.2 C 8
3 D+ 7
3 D 6
3 D 5
Fail E+ 4
Fail E 3
Fail E 2
29 and below
Fail F 1

PG mark bands and grade point bands [
Senate Regulation 3] are:
Indicative Mark Band
Degree class equivalent Grade Point
90 and above
A 17
A+ 16
A 15
A 14
B+ 13
B 12
B 11
C+ 10

Approved BBS Coursework Brief Template

Brunel Business School
C 9
C- 8
D+ 7
D 6
D- 5
E+ 4
E 3
E- 2
29 and below
F 1

Develop the skill of combining theoretical and macro-level analysis with detailed empirical analysis of international business in a series of industrial sectors across selected emerging market contexts .
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