Read the article (A Drama turgical Look at Interviewing)then answer the following questions:
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
Recognize techniques for conducting a successful interview.
Explain why interviews can only give us perspectives of events.
Differentiate between the three forms of interview structures.
Identify the considerations in the design of an interview structure.
Outline the steps of developing interview guidelines.
Identify reasons why effective communication is essential in research.
Describe three problems encountered while constructing research questions.
Report the role of a pretest of the interview schedule for saving on future time and cost.
Evaluate the considerations while deciding on the length of the interview.
Determine the advantages and disadvantages of telephone interviews.
Describe two approaches for integrating computer-based tools into the interview
Evaluate why the research interview is not a natural communication exchange.
Explain how the design of the drama turgical model benefits the research
interview process.
Develop a repertoire of the interview techniques.
Recall the importance of knowing the audience culture while designing the
research interview.
Describe the processes involved in the analysis of interview data.
Indicate the kinds of research questions for which interviewing would be a good data collection method.
Identify the limitations inherent in using interview data.