Why are you writing about it? What are you going to prove about this topic, and how do you plan to prove it, exactly?

Essay 3.Compare and Contrast / Definition Materials

This folder will contain all the materials you need to get started on Essay 3.

PIE Format and Proofs Overview .Your English 101 Handy-Dandy Notebook
Attached Files:
This file will walk you through the process of essay proofing, which is the incremental construction of an essay piece by piece. After reviewing this document you will be able to:

Construct a Proposal that covers your thoughts and ideas about the topic(s) you’re considering for an essay

Construct a PIE Outline that provides a thesis statement and a loose plan for how your essay will be organized.

Construct the Introduction, Body Paragraphs 1-3, and the Conclusion for proofing.

Comprehend how a five-paragraph essay should look on the page and how your points, information, and evaluations come together to form coherent paragraphs that are interconnected to your thesis statement.

Essay 3 — Proposal

Remember, the Proposal must include:

1. A statement of purpose (or maybe even a few statements). What’s the topic? Why do you care? Why are you writing about it?

What are you going to prove about this topic, and how do you plan to prove it, exactly?. This doesn’t have to be a thesis statement, but it should provide both of us with a general concept of what it is we’ll be doing in this paper.

2. At least one source reference and a summary of its content. This reference can be an article you found online, YouTube video, a documentary, movie any form of media that can help provide more context or material for your essay.

NOTE: You do not need to reference this source in your paper directly. This source is meant to help you develop a sense of direction, as well as ensure you’ve taken to time to reflect on what materials, ideas, and opinions are out there concerning your topic.

Why are you writing about it? What are you going to prove about this topic, and how do you plan to prove it, exactly?
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