Describe the Current Status of My Personal, Integrative Model of Psychotherapy.

(Use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for my Primary therapy orientation, integrating elements of Existential therapy, Acceptance and Commitment therapy, schema (not constructivism) therapy, REBT, Person-centered therapy, and narrative therapy.

The paper should be titled: Current Status of My Personal, Integrative Model of


 The paper shall be written as a scholarly paper in APA (7th ed.) style. While personal opinions are acceptable they should be accompanied by a marker such as: In my opinion…

Otherwise assertions should be supported by one or more citations. Citations

should be supported by a page number (paragraph number on web pages) in

addition to mention of authorship and publication date (e.g. Vandenbos et al.,

2018, p. 222). While APA only requires page citations for direct quotes, the course

standard is to promote good habits of scholarship by requiring page numbers

with all citations. Citation references will be randomly checked.

 A detailed rubric for this paper will be posted in the Google folder

 The paper should be between 14-17 pages long not counting title page, abstract or

references. Papers outside the assigned page range will be returned unread for

revision. Papers with more than 10 combined typos or citation errors may be returned partially unread for revision and penalized ½ grade (e.g. an otherwise “A” paper would become an “A-” paper).

Some class reading authors:

ON CBT: DiGiuseppe, R., David, D., & Venezia, R. (2016). Cognitive theories. In APA handbook of clinical psychology: Theory and research., Vol. 2. (pp. 145–182). American Psychological Association.

Describe the Current Status of My Personal, Integrative Model of Psychotherapy.
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