- Explain how sedimentary rocks form
- Define weathering, list both categories of weathering and give examples of each
- For each weathering process, give its name, weathering type, explanation of the process and the end-products
- List factors that control the rate of weathering, including how physical weathering affects chemical weathering rates
- Define erosion and how does it differ from weathering
- Explain how transport of sediment affects the character of the sediment: size, sorting, angularity (and be able to explain each of these terms)
- List and define all the processes that transform rocks into sediment and sediment back into rock.
- Know the categories of sedimentary rocks
- Know the common clastic sedimentary rocks – You should know the character of the clasts in each type of rock.
- Give the names of the sediment (clast) sizes
- Know common chemical/biochemical rocks that you identified in the lab: chert, limestone, coal
- Know these sedimentary structures terms and concepts:
- bedding, bedforms such as ripples, cross-bedding, graded beds, mud cracks…
- Understand how structures show us information about the depositional environment, such as flow direction, which way is “up”, biologic activity,…
- Give examples of some common sedimentary basins and how they form
- Name several terrestrial and marine depositional environments and explain the characteristics of sediment that collect at each
xplain how transport of sediment affects the character of the sediment: size, sorting, angularity (and be able to explain each of these terms)