Discusss Crime Rates in Sanctuary and Non-Sanctuary Cities in the United States

Crime Rates in Sanctuary and Non-Sanctuary Cities in the United States: A Comparative Study

Chapter 5: Discussion

• Introductory paragraphs provide a summarized overview of the study.

• Results should be elaborated upon and interpreted in sequence and relative to each
research question. Findings are linked to relevant research literature (a discussion on how the current results may impact the existing literature is also pertinent in this chapter).

• Conclusions and summaries regarding the findings are offered; this also involves addressing the question of results implications and should address the impact on the research questions asked as well as the impact on the field (i.e., theoretical and/or practical implications).

• Limitations are discussed.
If the study is QUAN, researchers are expected to address this limitation section looking at validity threats (both internal and external) and discuss how these threats may have impacted the research findings
• Implications of findings and recommendations for future research are discussed

Discusss Crime Rates in Sanctuary and Non-Sanctuary Cities in the United States
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