Develop a story idea that lays out a novel way of assessing the P.M.’s record and current popularity with a section of the British electorate.

Develop a story idea that lays out a novel way of assessing the P.M.’s record & current popularity with a section of the British electorate – or one specific section of those entitled to vote, up to you – that would make engaging and informative viewing, listening, or reading. You can pick either his handling of the pandemic, or the way Brexit is playing out on his watch, or combine them.

How well is he doing at winning back a particular section of the British electorate – or voters in general, your choice – who’ve deserted the party over the last few years and what more does he need to do to have a hope of picking up the keys of Downing Street?

You have up to 1,400 words to “sell” your idea to a commissioning editor in a compelling way specifying what would be your ideal outlet, the proposed title, the key people you would want to interview for your piece and why it would make such an absorbing article or programme.

Find a particular angle, theme or idea associated with one of these topics which will shed new light or bring a new and specific approach to topics that have been very thoroughly explored already.

Develop a story idea that lays out a novel way of assessing the P.M.’s record and current popularity with a section of the British electorate.
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