Describe your overall CULTURAL and LINGUISTIC COMPETENCY strengths, and weaknesses.

Overview: Cultural Competence Self-Assessment

The PROMOTING CULTURAL and LINGUISTIC COMPETENCY Self-Assessment Checklist for Personnel Providing Primary Health Care Services checklist is intended to heighten the awareness and sensitivity of health care givers to the importance of cultural and linguistic cultural competence in health, mental health and human service settings.

It provides concrete examples of the kinds of beliefs, attitudes, values and practices which foster cultural and linguistic competence at the individual or practitioner level.

There is no answer key with correct responses. However, if you frequently responded “C”, you may not necessarily demonstrate beliefs, attitudes, values and practices that promote cultural and linguistic competence within health and mental health care delivery programs.


  1. Complete the PROMOTING CULTURAL and LINGUISTIC COMPETENCY Self-Assessment Checklist. Some questions may not apply to your current role.
  2. do you best to answer with A, B, or C. There is not a wrong answer.
  3. Score and review your responses. Ask yourself if you have Cultural and Linguistic competence. From your personal experience where are your strengths and weaknesses?

You are not required to submit your self assessment scores. Please complete the reflections below for assignment 3-1.

1. Describe your overall CULTURAL and LINGUISTIC COMPETENCY strengths, and weaknesses.

2. How will this awareness help you communicate with families?

3. What did you learn that surprised you?

Describe your overall CULTURAL and LINGUISTIC COMPETENCY strengths, and weaknesses.
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