What are the proposed evaluation questions?

Assignment 2: Alternative Evaluation Plan

This assignment will require students to critique and revise the evaluation research design they submitted in CJI 708. This paper must present an alternative evaluation design – one that differs from what was submitted in CJI 708.

(For example, if the CJI 708 paper was a quantitative data collection design, the alternative plan might utilize a qualitative design such as interviews or a case study.)

This paper must describe the alternative evaluation research design (including information about the data collection/analysis methodology, and the implications and challenges inherent in the alternative research design being proposed.) This paper should include two sections.

Section 1 should indicate the title, location, mission, goals, and objectives of the program/ project, as well as a description of the program’s/project’s What is structure and context, and its stakeholders. (This information was provided in the paper submitted for CJI 0708.). Section 1 should be a minimum of 3 double spaced pages.

Section 2 should describe the alternative evaluation design and how the proposed design differs from what was submitted in CJI 708.
Section 2 should be a minimum of 6-7 double spaced pages and should address the following regarding the alternative evaluation design:
• What are the proposed evaluation questions? (Note: Every variable in evaluation questions must be operationalized.)
• Would proposed evaluation utilize a formative and/or summative approach?
• What evaluation model would be used?
• Would the student serve as an external or internal evaluator of the project/program?
• What methods would be used to answer each evaluation question?
• What measures would be used? What data would be collected? How would these data be collected? What resources would be needed? (i.e., budget, staff, timeline)
• What protocols for IRB/Human Subjects Review would need to be followed prior to implementing the proposed evaluation?

What are the proposed evaluation questions?
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