Describe the weekday traffic trend sin 2019 and outline the possible drivers of the patterns that you observe.

Graph/chartthe data for the 2 selected countersand compare the daily patterns for your sample countersin 2019 and 2020. Max of 4 charts–25%2.

Describe the weekday traffic trend sin 2019 and outline the possible drivers of the patterns that you observe. (Look at the summaryAADT volumes across allyour counters.

Consider the location of the counters.Are they in rural or urbanareas? Are they located along a motorway or national route (M or N designation)?

Do they have a high HGV percentage? Are routes located near a port, airport or other major facility?700wordsmax–40%3.

How have patterns changed between 2019 and 2020?What might the 2020 traffic volumes tell you about the makeup of Irish household traffic patterns?500 wordsmax–25%4.

You should submit the summary data for your 6 counters as an appendix.10%

Describe the weekday traffic trend sin 2019 and outline the possible drivers of the patterns that you observe.
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