Submit a press release discussing on the origin of COVID and protective measures. Explain what the press release about?


Assign a group member to resolve conflicts. Conflicts of covid/resolve conflicts

Your press release should consist of the following elements:
Research: Origin of COVID and protective measures

Headline: what is the press release about?
Quarantining difference/stances between the Work Force and Schools

Summary: summarize the key points: Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why.
Work Force with symptoms should quarantine until negative results
School allow negative tested students to still attend school.
Date and Location (see examples, remember, yours are fictional)

Body: this is the main part and provides the details in a concise and effective manner. Also includes quote(s) from your fictional governor.
Closing, (fictional) signature and contact information.

Submit a press release discussing on the origin of COVID and protective measures. Explain what the press release about?
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