Month: May 2023

Implement the revised, routed LAN. Describe basic router configuration necessary for router maintenance and operation.

CMIT 351 Project 2 Description  Intro: ACME University IT has reviewed the results from your prototype and now wants to move forward with an adjusted set of requirements. You will need to implement layer 2 segmentation to control broadcast domains and increase Local Area Network (LAN) performance but also provide routing between segments. Scenario: IT […]

Review the functionalist perspectives on family from Theoretical Perspectives of Family. Define/describe the four key functions of family.

Writing: Introductory Sociology Approach This Activity. Review the functionalist perspectives on family from Theoretical Perspectives of Family. Define/describe the four key functions of family. Apply and discuss the four key functions to your family of orientation (the family you grew up in) or family of procreation (your spouse and/or children). Give examples from your family […]

Create the wax museum project, research and decide how you will formatively assess students. Then write a 250-500 word reflection describing your assessment plan.

Wax Museum Project In Topic 4, you created a wax museum project for your students. In order to modify, strengthen, and adjust instruction as students are creating the wax museum project, research and decide how you will formatively assess students. Additionally, create a summative assessment for the students. Part 1: Assessment Plan For this assignment, […]

Write a 5 page minimum (single-spaced with 12-point font) research paper covering the topic, citing any sources you use, including the CCPA or GDPR.

Research Paper Write a 5 Page Minimum (single-spaced with 12-point font) research paper covering the topic, citing any sources you use, including the CCPA or GDPR. Your paper should have a Minimum of 5 Sources that are properly cited in the text and included in a Reference section. Use a common citation method such as […]

Define at least three key performance indicators for the security objectives and initiatives. Align the key performance indicators to the security objectives and initiatives as specified in the BCC profile.

Enterprise Information Strategic Plan Assignment Content This week you will continue to work on the BCC Enterprise Information Security Program by creating the BCC Enterprise Security Strategic Plan. Use information completed from Week 1 and information gained this week to complete the BCC Enterprise Strategic Plan. Part 1 Write a 5- to 6-page BCC Enterprise […]

Write a special research paper focused on a social issue related to popular music and culture like other cultures musical styles being appropriated for profit.

Social Issue Write a special research paper focused on a social issue related to popular music and culture like other cultures musical styles being appropriated for profit. This topic needs to be preapproved by the instructor, but may be any social issue that interests the students. This assignment should be formatted according to APA guidelines […]

After reading this article about the recent expansion of Grammy voters, discuss whether or not you believe this to be significant, relevant, or change inducing.

Mass Communications Description Cite the text or assigned reading in your initial response, and you must reply to at least 2 peers. Much has been made of who is in the group that decides award winners. After reading this article about the recent expansion of Grammy voters, discuss whether or not you believe this to […]

What actions should we take to stop history from repeating itself, and then explore if the rise of Nazism can be compared to any contemporary national movement?

Essay #3 — Final Paper Your 4-5 page essay should be double spaced with 1″margin, and a readable 12- point font. MLA format with internal documentation and a Work(s) Cited is required. Include relevant literature for your topic choice [O’Brien, Erdrich, Borowski, Wiese!, Levy] The reason war seems only negative is because there is so […]

Talk about four experiences you had as an elementary school student – ages 5-12. Analyze each example with information from our course, using your textbook and class notes.

School-aged children Elementary School Adventures Talk about four experiences you had as an elementary school student – ages 5-12 (for example, a birthday party or swimming lessons) Analyze each example with information from our course, using your textbook and class notes. OR Summer Camp for Elementary School Aged Kids Search for a summer day camp […]

Describe the subject matter to give the reader an overview of the artwork. Explain how the work speaks to your/our human experiences.

ARTWORK Write a 3 page paper using the interpretive sentence as your argument statement. Paper Content Outline: Introductory paragraph with title, artist and interpretation. Describe the subject matter to give the reader an overview of the artwork. 3 or 4 paragraphs explaining your proofs – how the Elements of Art and/or the Principles of Design […]

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