What is your mother tongue, and why or how does it help shape your identity? What are you defining as your mother tongue(s)? Why?

Assignment: Mother Tongues

Language: “the principal method of human communication, consisting of words used in a structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture; a system of communication used by a particular country or community” (Google).
Mother tongue: “the language which a person has grown up speaking from early childhood” (Google).

Background for assignment: With these two definitions in mind, we all utilize various forms of language throughout our lifetime; though, have you ever considered how this helps shape your identity?

The Assignment:

What is your mother tongue, and why or how does it help shape your identity?

To write this essay, make sure to address the following ideas:

What are you defining as your mother tongue(s)? Why?

How does this impact who you are and how you express yourself?

What are some examples of how your language interacts with the world around you?

What value does a mother tongue bring to society?

Are there any obstacles preventing your mother tongue from freedom of expression?

What are some ideas about language and/or mother tongues from others that you tend to agree with? Disagree with? Why?

This essay should be 4 pages in length, and follow MLA practices.

Create a title that adds to your overall essay.

What is your mother tongue, and why or how does it help shape your identity? What are you defining as your mother tongue(s)? Why?
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