Writing Assignment 1 ENGL 1101
In this assignment, demonstrate the ability to compose a well–organized and effectively–developed essay in MLA format.
Your essay should include a clear argument statement, topic sentences to support the argument statement, major details to expand on the topic sentences, and additional evidence to reinforce the major details.
Rhetorical Strategy Options
Use one of the following topics for the narration essay assignment. No others are accepted.
1. A funny story that happened to you
2. A story from your childhood
3. A story of losing a friend
4. A story of learning a new skill (like playing a musical instrument or surfing)
5. An embarrassing story that happened to you
6. A story of you helping people in need
7. A time when you discovered a secret
8. Your worst vacation
9. A story of volunteering
10. A time of dealing with a state of emergency
Your essay must adhere to the following requirements for ENGL 1101:
The essay must have at least five well–developed paragraphs
It must have 950–1000 words