Describe a real or hypothetical healthcare scenario that needs addressing by organizational healthcare leaders.

HA530-week 2A

The Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) model is a popular model to bring positive change in healthcare organizations’ quality and patient safety.

Describe a real or hypothetical healthcare scenario that needs addressing by organizational healthcare leaders. You are a Health Care Director and have been tasked with completing a PDSA on the identified issue.

Review the attached document here Download here, which has a PDSA template in it. Describe your scenario in the Objective box on the PDSA template, page 5, and then follow the scenario description with your objective for the PDSA.

Complete the entire PDSA template on pages 5 and 6. Make sure to explain each item listed on page 2 under Plan, Do, Study and Act in your write-up on the template, pages 5 and 6. At the end of the last cell on page 6 of the document, please list at least one credible source you used to complete the PDSA.

Describe a real or hypothetical healthcare scenario that needs addressing by organizational healthcare leaders.
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