Discuss with relevant examples how the processes of making laws and reacting to the breaking of laws contribute to the production of criminals and crimes in Canada?

Sociology – Criminology

Demonstrate critical engagement with the topic in question rather than a recitation of course material.

Answers need to be sufficiently different across questions.

Quote or cite authors and law provisions to support your argument.

Relevant illustrative examples outside the readings would result in higher marks.

Latest Article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14742837.2018.1560257

Eprint Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/cNHMqMVufNXvia3m5GNg/full?target=10.1080/14742837.2018.1560257

Article: The Perceptions of Police-Black Civilian Deadly Encounters in North
America among Black Immigrants in a Western Canadian City.

Part 1:

1. Discuss with relevant examples how the processes of making laws and reacting to the breaking of laws contribute to the production of criminals and crimes in Canada? [300 words]

Part 2

2. In Canada, crime is socially and relatively defined. Explain with clear example(s)? [200 words]

3. Canada’s officially reported crime rate often does not reflect community crime experience. Justify the above statement with examples. [200 words]

4. Michelle lived with Tucker for 15 years, during which he had, on various occasions, subjected her to physical assaults, some of which inflicted severe injuries (such as extensive bruising to the body and a broken jaw). One night, Michelle returned home late from an evening meeting, and Tucker became furious with her. He yelled at her, “I am going to fix you once and for all.” However, Tucker was so drunk that he fell on the couch, struggled to get up, and eventually passed out. Michelle went to the kitchen and picked up a sharp knife. She then returned to the room where Tucker was sleeping and stabbed him to death. Would Michelle be able to raise a successful plea of defence if she were charged with murder or manslaughter? What would be Michelle’s argument of defence? What likely argument would the prosecutor put forward to make a successful defence difficult for Michelle? [200 words].

Discuss with relevant examples how the processes of making laws and reacting to the breaking of laws contribute to the production of criminals and crimes in Canada?
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