Choose a technical or scientific term from the article you used for your summary or from your field of study and write a 1000 word expanded definition of it with a cover memo.

English Question

Your Department Head (DH) was impressed with your summary and thought it was a good foundation for a new product. To assist the product development team, they want a more thorough explanation of some of the scientific terms used in in the article, so they asked you to write an expanded definition of these terms.

Choose a technical or scientific term from the article you used for your summary or from your field of study and write a 1000 word expanded definition of it with a cover memo.

Your expanded definition must be supported by scholarly or vetted sources that are properly quoted and cited using

APA style and must demonstrate:

1correct memorandum format.

knowledge of the etymology and historical development of the term.

examples of the term’s use in various written contexts.

ability to compare and contrast various uses of the term

awareness of audience.

At least three library-sourced citations are required and should be cited following APA format.


Choose a technical or scientific term from the article you used for your summary or from your field of study and write a 1000 word expanded definition of it with a cover memo.
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