Use Seaborn’s displot() function to plot a distribution plot of the same column. Create a displot for the data.

Weekend 2 _Class Assignment

Question 1

What library provides the foundation for pandas and seaboard plotting

Import modules to load cvs file

< import pandas as ____

import seaborn as ____

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Read in the DataFrame

df = pd.____(sample.file) >

Use Seaborn’s displot() function to plot a distribution plot of the same column.

Create a displot for the data.

Explicitly pass in the number 20 for the number of bins in the histogram.

Display the plot using

Use Seaborn’s displot() function to plot a distribution

Create a displot of the [column] column in the df.

Configure it to show a shaded kde plot (using the kind and fill parameters).

Add a rug plot above the x axis (using the rug parameter).

Display the plot.


Use Seaborn’s displot() function to plot a distribution plot of the same column. Create a displot for the data.
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