Evidence-based interventions to reduce maternal mortality, an African-American women
Critically appraise two articles of your choice which were selected in HSC 852 to address your PICO(T) question: In African American women who are pregnant, how does the utilization of evidence-based practice models, such as the Gabby Preconception Model, help to reduce the maternal mortality rate.
The articles must be different than the ones presented in Assignments 1 and must have been published within the past 5 to 10 years. This assignment requires the use of appropriate critical appraisal tools to review each article and to inform a presentation of the appraisal findings.
PowerPoint presentation summarizing the results of the two critical appraisals.
The presentation should be 8 to 10 minutes, and the presenter will provide the class with electronic copies of the articles and completed critical analysis tools to direct the discussion.