How the eight elements of a great decision help you in improving decision-making and problem-solving skills?  Explain in relation with the text you learnt in the course.


Read the article titled as “How to Make Great Decisions, Quickly” by Martin G. Moore  published in Harvard Business Review, and answer the following Questions:

Summarize the article and explain the main issues discussed in the article. (In 500-600 words)                                                 (Marks 5)

How the eight elements of a great decision help you in improving decision-making and problem-solving skills?  Explain in relation with the text you learnt in the course. Use additional reference to support your argument. (In 400-500 words)       (Marks 5)

 Part-II- Critical Thinking Question

“A successful manager doesn’t just attack symptoms; he works to uncover the factors that cause these symptoms.” Explain the statement with example.  (Words 400-500)                                                 (Marks 5)

How the eight elements of a great decision help you in improving decision-making and problem-solving skills?  Explain in relation with the text you learnt in the course.
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